Thursday, December 22, 2011

Multi-language support of gnuplot --- Using latex (2)

We have shown how to get multi-language support by using latex in the former posts. It works, but a little complicated --- You need to take two steps to get the final graph. In practice, it can be simplified by using an option of the (*)latex terminal. This option is "header". You can put the package use and other commands after this option, and then the generated tex file will contain these information at the header part. So you need not to modify the tex file manually. You get the final graph at one step.

So try the following plot script. Run it and compile the output tex file using latex, and at once you a Chinese supported graph.

set term epslatex color standalone header \
"\\usepackage{CJK}\n \
\\AtBeginDocument{\\begin{CJK*}{GBK}{song}} \

set output "voltage.tex"

set xlabel "时间(秒)"
set ylabel "电压(伏)"
unset key
plot sin(x)+0.1*(2*rand(0)-1.) w l lw 2
set output 

Gnuplot plotted graph with Chinese support

Thursday, December 15, 2011





set term epslatex color standalone
set output "voltage.tex"
set xlabel "my xlabel"
set ylabel "my ylabel"
unset key
plot sin(x)+0.1*(2*rand(0)-1.) w l lw 2
set output



\put(4039,154){\makebox(0,0){\strut{}my xlabel}}%

\put(308,2739){\rotatebox{-270}{\makebox(0,0){\strut{}my ylabel}}}

然后将“my xlabel”替换为“时间(秒)”,将“my ylabel”替换为“电压(伏)”。同时将下面的代码加到文件的头部分来得到latex对中文的支持。





voltage.tex  voltage_chinese.tex

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Multi-language support of gnuplot --- Using latex

For some non-English speakers, inserting some their own characters into the graph is usual. And for some fresh, this some times becomes a challenging task. This posts will talk about how to solve this problem using latex.

We know that some packages used latex can deal with multi-language typesetting. And we also know that gnuplot have terminals like latex, epslatex. So we can first plot a English graph with these terminals, then modify the output tex files, and at last get a multi-language supported graph. Take Chinese support for example.

We first plot a graph using the following script.

set term epslatex color standalone
set output "voltage.tex"
set xlabel "my xlabel"
set ylabel "my ylabel"
unset key
plot sin(x)+0.1*(2*rand(0)-1.) w l lw 2
set output

Compile the output tex file using latex we get a graph like the following one.
Gnuplot plotted graph without Chinese support
And we want to label the x-axes with "时间(秒)"(means time) and y-axes with "电压(伏)"(means voltage). To realize this effect, we open the tex file with any text editor and find lines

\put(4039,154){\makebox(0,0){\strut{}my xlabel}}%


\put(308,2739){\rotatebox{-270}{\makebox(0,0){\strut{}my ylabel}}}

Then we repalce "my xlabel" with "时间(秒)", "my ylabel" with "电压(伏)". And add the following codes into the header part of the file to get the chinese support of latex.

This time compile the tex file uising latex again. And a chinese supported graph is gotten.
Gnuplot plotted graph with Chinese support
The modified and pre-modified tex files can be downloaded here.
voltage.tex  voltage_chinese.tex
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